How do you creatively manage your emotions?

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Do you feel immense anger, which you can’t relieve except by shouting at your loved ones for no reason? You do not know how to relieve the tension that lies dormant in you? Or maybe you constantly feel fear, which limits you and prevents you from realizing your dreams? Learn how to manage your emotions wisely!

The ideas we’ll give you as creative ways to deal with your emotions will allow you to manage them wisely, as well as control them. However, you should know that nothing can replace a visit to a psychologist or psychiatrist, who can realistically help you understand many issues. It is the specialist who allows us to see certain things from a different perspective than before, to know ourselves and our own reactions. It is also worth knowing that emotions that have been hidden for too long always come back to us and with redoubled force. It’s not worth strangling them, but get to know, understand where they come from, and sometimes give them a way out.


You don’t have to know how to paint to start doing it. The important thing here is to try to express your emotions through colors, shapes or lines. Pouring them onto paper can give you a sense of relief, and in time, real works of art can come out of it!


Physical activity allows you to get rid of tension, anger, and even fear. By exercising, you release a huge amount of endorphins, or the happy hormone, into your body, which improves your mood. What’s more, tense muscles, like you, begin to relax.

You don’t just have to exercise, you can dance, cycle, run, walk or swim. Find an activity that you enjoy.

Cook and bake!

Focusing on specific activities gives our busy brains a break. This allows you to see a situation from a different perspective. You can cook tried and tested recipes or experiment. Don’t worry if something doesn’t work out, because it’s all about occupying your brain and calming down the flow of thoughts.


The idea here is to write down the emotions you’re feeling in that moment and then describe the situation that triggered them. Ask yourself, if you were to see this situation through the eyes of an independent observer, would you also ascribe to them the emotions you feel? Do you think they are right or exaggerated? Consider what the other party might be feeling. Very often under the influence of the moment we make the wrong decisions, we get emotional about something that normally would not make an impression on us. Knowing your emotions will allow you to better understand and manage them in the future.

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