6 rules to keep you healthy for a long time

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Each of us would like to enjoy good health for as long as possible. However, sometimes we forget about some basic rules. What are they? A well-balanced diet and daily physical activity these are two basic things thanks to which everyone can enjoy good health and well-being for much longer. However, this is not all. What other things are worth remembering?

Firstly: proper diet

A properly balanced diet is the basis of a healthy lifestyle. Nutritionists advise that meals should be varied. This is the only way to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients, i.e. proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. The diet should primarily consist of vegetables and fruits, cereal products, which are the main source of energy, and milk and dairy products. Meat should be eaten in moderation and replaced with fish and legumes. Salt, fats (especially animal fats) and sugar should be limited

Don’t forget to rest

What should an ideal day look like? Experts say that it should consist of eight hours of work, eight hours of sleep and eight hours of rest and other activities. It is important to maintain this balance, because otherwise the body can experience tremendous stress, which sometimes results in the deterioration of health. The likelihood of many lifestyle diseases increases when you regularly neglect your hygiene and forget about rest and adequate sleep.

Physical activity matters

Daily physical activity not only helps control body weight, but also reduces the likelihood of contracting many dangerous diseases, for example cancer, heart disease, diabetes or depression. Regular physical activity also strengthens our bones. According to WHO recommendations, every adult needs at least thirty minutes of physical activity a day, five days a week. It is best if it is moderate. Twenty minutes of high-intensity physical activity a day for three days a week is also good

Regular preventive examinations

Preventive examinations can prevent the development of many diseases, because they allow you to detect them at an early stage. This is when there is the greatest chance for a cure! What examinations should be done regularly? First of all, a blood count and a urine test. In addition, women should have a breast self-examination and cytology, and people over 40 should have a colonoscopy and mammography from time to time

Reducing or giving up stimulants

It is well known that stimulants have a negative impact on health. Regular use of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs significantly increases the risk of many cancers, for example of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, nervous system, digestive system or urinary system. Alcohol consumption can also lead to liver disease and weaken the immune system, and cigarette use increases the risk of stroke, heart attack, impotence in men and fertility problems in women.

Mastering stress

Long-term stress is the enemy of health and well-being. Its effects can be very dangerous. Chronic stress increases the risk of many diseases, such as cancer and heart disease. Moreover, it has a negative impact on mental health, may lead to memory and concentration disorders and development of depression. So it is worth trying to cope with it by using meditation or relaxation exercises. Thanks to these techniques, the level of anxiety can significantly decrease and emotional stability can be improved.

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