Menopause – facts and myths

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Menopause is quite a difficult time in a woman’s life. There are many myths about it. So we check what is fact and what is myth

The very thought of menopause scares many women. Especially since most of them do not really know what to expect. There are many myths about the changes taking place, which only increase the feeling of anxiety

Menopause – what is it?

Menopause is actually the professional name for the last menstrual period – we call it when the last bleeding occurred 12 months earlier. In fact, it is only one day. However, it is commonly accepted to refer to menopause as menopausal symptoms, which is what happens when a woman loses her fertility. As a rule, they appear in ladies between the ages of 45 and 55, but it also happens in women before forty or in their sixties. In the first case, it often follows various gynecological operations, such as removal of ovaries, radiation therapy, etc

Menopause – symptoms

How to recognize menopause? The first symptoms indicating the end of a woman’s fertility, can be noticed even several years earlier. Hormonal changes occur gradually. The production of estrogen and progesterone decreases. Periods may appear irregularly. This is compounded by hot flashes and unexpected sweating. These factors are most common, but some premenopausal women also notice problems with sleep, mood changes, joint stiffness, knee and back pain, heart palpitations, trouble concentrating, decreased libido or dry skin. In some cases, urinary incontinence or pain during sexual intercourse can also occur. Bladder infections and vaginal inflammations are also more common. Many women put on weight at that time, which is connected with estrogens allowing to control body weight. Menopause also causes the metabolism to slow down, and fat tissue is deposited much slower

You should be aware that during menopause there are also many symptoms that are not visible to the naked eye. This includes an increased risk of osteoporosis due to a decrease in bone density. Cardiovascular diseases may also occur

The most common myths about the menopause

The most popular myth is that women before the age of 40 cannot menopause. Well, they can, and this is determined by many factors. It is estimated that premature ovarian expiration affects 1% of women of this age. Menopause also occurs in one in 1000 women before the age of 30

It is also not true that early motherhood influences menopause to occur earlier. There is no connection at all

Many ladies are convinced that menopause is associated with the end of sex life. When changes take place in the body, libido can decrease and a worse mood is not conducive to intimate life. However, it is worth knowing that not every woman goes through this period in a difficult way, and besides, there are many ways to relieve menopause symptoms, such as relaxing massages, giving up stimulants or moderate exercise

Another popular myth is that menopause is no reason to visit a doctor. It turns out that it is believed by most ladies. This is a very wrong thinking. A woman in this period requires specialized examinations, especially since endometrial polyps or uterine myomas may appear during menopause. It is also a fiction to believe that a woman who is going through menopause needs to be treated with hormones. This decision is made by the doctor on the basis of the tests

A woman often gains weight during this period, but it is not a rule. During this period, women often give up physical activity because they feel worse. In addition, they are swollen, because the body retains water. However, it is a myth that menopause is associated with the loss of shapely figure. In many cases this is not the case.

Main photo: Paola Aguilar/

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