What affects the condition of nails?

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Beautiful, well maintained nails are not only something to be proud of, but also a proof that we lead a healthy lifestyle. When our hands become chapped, and our nails – brittle and fragile, it is a sign that we do not care for them properly.

How to determine what exactly contributes to the condition of our nails? It is worth to exclude external factors first, such as mechanical injury or repeated contact with strong detergents.

Limit contact with water

Wear latex gloves when washing dishes so as not to get your hands saturated in water. The hard minerals in tap water make our nails more susceptible to damage until they dry.

Protect your hands from detergents

Even the gentlest soap strips human skin of its protective sebum layer. Therefore, after contact with water do not forget to moisturize not only the skin on your hands but also the cuticles around your nails. You will need jojoba oil, which contains beneficial vitamins A and E with anti-aging and regenerative effects and its formula and structure are similar to the natural oil produced by the sebaceous glands.

When you are engaged in household chores such as washing windows or dishes, wear gloves to prevent your skin from coming into direct contact with strong detergents. Dishwashing liquid contributes to drying out the nail plate, which in turn results in weak, brittle nails.

It’s also a good idea to apply an oily product to your hands even before you come into contact with cleaning products. Before using antibacterial lotion, protect your nails by covering your cuticles with a thin layer of petroleum jelly.

Don’t use your nails as tools

Nails are not hammers or pliers. Don’t use them to pry up nails, scrape dried stains off furniture, or open cans.

If the process of elimination of the above factors does not provide us with the desired result in the form of beautiful and healthy nails, it is worth considering whether our nail problems are not due to a lack of valuable vitamins.

Vitamin C deficiency

Vitamin C is one of the compounds responsible for the production of the so-called youth protein, or collagen. Collagen is an important building block of the human body, and although we produce it naturally, the amount in our bodies decreases with age, which contributes to wrinkles and sagging skin. Its lack also affects the condition of our hair and nails. That is why vitamin C supplementation is so important, as its deficiency causes slower growth of nails and their brittleness.


Many women struggle with nail discoloration. Sometimes this unwanted yellow tint is caused by overuse of dark polishes, but often the real culprit is a lack of zinc. It is responsible for stimulating red blood cells and is necessary for the nail bed to have a good blood supply.


Biotin is one of the most important chemical compounds for our body. It takes part not only in improving the appearance of our nails, but also in blood clotting and glucose production. Lack of biotin contributes to the breaking of nails and the formation of folds on their surface.

Unfortunately, the human body is not efficient in absorbing biotin from food. Fortunately, there are suitable supplements on the market dedicated to filling the daily need for B complex vitamins. Brands like Terranova create products specifically designed to improve the condition of hair and nails.

Folic acid

Vitamin B9 stimulates the formation of red cells, which in turn helps to stimulate nail growth. If you want well-groomed hands, reach for foods like lettuce, eggs and milk to make your nails grow stronger and shinier.

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