Divorce at a ripe old age – how to cope?

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The breakup of a relationship is always a difficult experience for both partners. Lasting feelings and long-term attachment make it difficult for them to imagine life without each other. However, sometimes it is the only way to regain happiness when life by the side of the other person becomes unbearable. Married couples with long-term relationships find it extremely difficult to make the decision to divorce. Find out how to find yourself in this situation.

Realize that your happiness comes first 

Living with a partner for many years makes it hard to come to terms with the thought of being single. However, remember that your happiness is the most important thing. No one can determine it but you. If you feel that you are no longer happy in your relationship and despite your attempts to fix the relationship is not succeeding – let it go. Otherwise, both of you will get tired.

Take care of yourself at this time. Take time to develop your passions and interests. Take care of your physical appearance. Start listening to good music and enjoy delicious food. All this will help you cope with the difficult emotions that a breakup brings. 

Separate in harmony

This is a difficult piece of advice, because for it to make sense, both parties must want it. However, it is worth trying to communicate in this situation in such a way that you part in agreement. Your paths part, but good memories remain forever, even if they are a smaller part of all memories.

Staying on good terms during the breakup will make it much easier to return to everyday life. During the court hearing, it will also provide less emotion than heated arguments in front of witnesses. Try to talk to the other person despite the decision to divorce and get along with each other. It is worth it for your later mental comfort. 

Go to therapy

The strong emotions that come with divorce can take a toll on your psyche. To prevent yourself from becoming depressed or otherwise mentally ill, it’s worth seeking the support of a professional during these moments. A psychologist will give you the tools you need to deal with stress and sadness. Just talking to someone who will listen to you will also be very helpful. 

Therapy can change your way of thinking and show you a different world view. It will also help you understand your behavior and your partner’s behavior to some extent.

Communicate your emotions

Expressing your feelings and emotions is the key to good mental health. During hard times, which will be the moments of a breakup, this is especially important. Suppressed emotions build up and seek an outlet, which can manifest itself in you treating colleagues at work, friends or children badly. So it’s worth talking openly about how you feel. Don’t hide the fact that you are getting a divorce from others – it’s no shame!

main photo: unsplash.com/Zoriana Stakhniv

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