Outfit ideas for styling a long sleeve female t-shirt

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A long sleeve female t-shirt that you have isn’t just for throwing on to work out in. You can wear it in a wide variety of outfits and styles, from casual to formal and everything in between! Here are some outfit ideas for styling your long sleeve female t-shirt

The half-tuck

The half tuck is an effortless way to make your shirt look like it’s not tucked in, but still tucked in. It’s perfect for any occasion because it doesn’t require much effort. To do the half tuck: 

1) Tuck the bottom of your shirt into your pants or skirt. 

2) Untuck the top of your shirt until you reach about halfway down the length of the shirt. 

3) Drape the top part over so that it’s hanging on both sides and create a fold with each side underneath each other. 

4) Make sure to leave some slack so that you can pull up on the bottom when you want to adjust.

The full tuck

Style the sleeves off of your top with an elongating full tuck. The full tuck is when you pull your shirt up and over your head, exposing your stomach. Tuck in the front of the shirt as well to make sure it stays tucked in all day. This technique will make it look like you have a longer torso because the shirt will be pulled up. Keep the length of the sleeves hanging out to show some skin or if you want some sex appeal by using only one arm. One way to show some skin is by doing one of two things: either tying each end of the shirt into knots around your waist or rolling them into each other until they’re tight against your body and then tie them in a knot at your side. If you want that sexy feeling without showing too much, just roll them up and tie them on each side so they won’t slip down while still allowing enough exposure that can be seductive but not revealing.

The front knot

A front knot is a great way to style a shirt with sleeves. The best part about this outfit is that it can be worn in any season. It’s easy to do, too! All you have to do is pull your hair up into a ponytail at the crown of your head, then tie it in the front with an elastic band. You’re ready to go! In warmer months, wear it with shorts and sandals; in cooler weather swap the shorts for jeans and booties.

Main photo: Ryan Hoffman/unsplash.com

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