How to host an elegant cocktail party?

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A cocktail party is an elegant social event. More and more often we organize them at home, and there can be many occasions for that. We suggest how to prepare such a party, so that it will remain in the memory of all guests for a long time.

Arranging cocktail parties was extremely fashionable at the beginning of the last century, before World War I. At that time the aristocracy was eager to host such parties. At that time the aristocracy willingly hosted in their homes well-known and valued guests from the so-called salons, even from the artistic world. After more than a century, the fashion for “cocktail dresses” has returned like a boomerang. What is the phenomenon of such parties and how to organize them?

Cocktail party in the XXI century. How to organize such a party?

Of course, as before every party that we want to organize, first we need to set the date, guest list and above all a list of things that we need to do. If we will not do everything for the last minute, then we should not have the slightest difficulty with the organization of such a party

The most important step is to choose a date for our cocktail party. It is best to choose one of the weekend days, when the next day we will not have to wake up at dawn to work. The time is also important, this type of party is organized in the evening, preferably between 18:00 and 20:00. This is not the type of wedding reception or other occasional party, which lasts until morning. A cocktail party is more of a short gathering, 3-4 hours at most

Another important consideration is to determine the guest list and the purpose of such a party, as further organization will depend on these factors, such as the choice of menu and the number of snacks served. A cocktail party can have a business character, but also a completely informal one. The formal ones are rather arranged in a restaurant rented for the occasion, while the purely social ones can be safely organized at home. It’s best to invite guests to such a party in the form of sent invitations, on which we’ll write the most important information about the meeting, such as date, time, place, purpose, and dress code, for example. Since it is an event organized in the evening, as usually such outfits are obligatory for invited guests.

Decorating the tables and choosing background music

The decoration of the space where the cocktail party will be held is very important. That is why it is worth decorating the cocktail tables with floral compositions and, for example, small goblets, into which we will place candles. An important issue when organizing a cocktail party is providing the guests with musical setting. However, we should remember that the music should not drown out conversations; it should preferably be adjusted to the climate and leitmotif of the meeting

Guests arriving to a cocktail party are always welcomed by the host or organizer of the meeting (if it is of a business or scientific character). It should also be remembered that this is a kind of party, where guests do not sit at lavishly set tables, and on round tables there are only snacks. Often, several people gather around the tables to discuss a particular topic. If the party is organized in a restaurant, the waiters distribute champagne on trays to the guests. At such a party, the best choice are appetizers, i.e. small food snacks (e.g. pieces of cheese, kabanos, olives) stuffed on food toothpicks.

Apart from cold snacks, there should also be hot ones. The most popular are prunes in bacon, small pizzerias or mushrooms baked in dough. You should also remember to serve snacks and drinks to your guests as they come.

A cocktail party can also be organized outdoors, for example in the garden. It is an ideal place for such a party, especially in spring, when nature is awakening. The blooming vegetation itself becomes a decoration of our cocktail garden party.

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