Make-up rules for mature skin

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How to keep your complexion looking radiant and beautiful despite the years? Check out some golden rules and enjoy looking great every day.

Make-up for mature women

The Internet is full of makeup tips for every day and for the big night out. However, not many articles deal with the subject of makeup for mature women. Too bad, because it is a very interesting topic! Mature women are beautiful and have a lot of life experience. So they should be confident and aware of their assets, which should be further emphasized with the appropriate makeup. But make-up for mature skin is more difficult than make-up for women in their twenties who have not yet experienced the inevitable signs of ageing. Check out some tips that will help!

Stylish at Any Age

Think your best years are behind you and now it’s not worth taking care of yourself? You are wrong! You can look great at any age and the experience you already have is definitely to your advantage. On the street every day you can pass many beautiful women, not to mention models and actresses such as Sophia Loren. On the Polish market the beauty of a mature woman is magnificently demonstrated by, among others, Danuta Stenka or Grażyna Szapołowska. These ladies look phenomenal. You too can look great and feel confident. Although careful makeup of mature skin is not easy, it is enough to master some basics and then you can just enjoy a fantastic look every day

Cosmetics for the face

The basis of facial makeup is, of course, properly chosen foundation. If you have a mature complexion you should not use heavy and thick products, which may cause additional weight on the skin. Light cosmetics are the best choice. There are many primers on the market designed for mature skin. The amount of foundation should not be exaggerated – less is more. It is a good idea to apply a light concealer under your eyes. Remember that the skin in this area is very delicate, so moderation will be a great advisor here. If you like using blush, choose products without illuminating particles. Such cosmetics tend to accentuate wrinkles

Eye make-up

The eyes are said to be the mirror of the soul and their make-up is very important! With the right eye make-up you can achieve amazing effects! Of course, restraint is key here too. A bit of glitter won’t hurt, but also without overdoing it. What eye shadow colors should go in your make-up bag? Go for subtle beiges, browns, muted purples or powder pink shades. Avoid covering your entire eye area with dark eyeliner, especially if you have a drooping eyelid. Instead, pay more attention to your lash line. A dark, lightly smudged eyeliner on your upper lid is the way to go

It’s time for your lip makeup!

Do you want to look younger with your lipstick? Go for subtle pink shades. And go for a glossy lipstick to make your lips look more beautiful! If you have trouble with the corners of your mouth drooping, apply concealer and lip liner in the same color as your lipstick so that the contour is just above your natural lip line. A red or fuchsia lipstick will look great at a dinner or party

Exercise at home

Before you put the above rules into practice and decide to show the world your dream makeup, it is worth practicing it at home. Makeup for mature skin can be beautiful – it depends largely on you.

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