How do you start your day to be full of energy? 3 golden rules

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Do you ever feel like going back to bed in the morning? We check how to energize yourself!

Usually coffee gets us up in the morning. We consider it the best energy boost. But it turns out there are other ways to energize yourself for the day!

1. Get moving

Right after getting up from the bed it’s good to do some simple exercises – squats, jumping jacks, etc. This way fatigue will quickly pass. This will make the fatigue go away quickly and give you more energy. An even better method is morning jogging. Thanks to this we will get oxygen and improve our mood.

2. Eat a proper breakfast

To boost your energy, have a protein rich breakfast. This will help you get rid of morning fatigue. Add fruit or fruit smoothies to your breakfast and you’ll be sure to get plenty of nutrients

3. Take a cool shower

Nothing is more stimulating in the morning than a cold shower. You immediately feel full of energy and willingness to act. Such a shower improves blood circulation and has a great effect on our mood and health.

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