How to choose shoes for a suit?

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Men’s elegance is always in fashion, and a suit is an absolutely timeless piece of clothing, which should be a must-have item for every man. While it is rather easy to choose a suit, and if in doubt the store assistant or tailor will be happy to help, shoes for a suit are a more complicated matter. How to choose the right shoes for the type of suit and occasion? We explain!

Classic shoes for big occasions

The most popular situation in which every man wears a suit is a wedding. All kinds of lavish dance parties and events that require formal attire make you reach into your closet for a suit. For such occasions, usually black or dark blue. For a set in black, you don’t have much color choice when it comes to shoes – only black shoes fit. With a navy blue suit, however, avoid black like hell, rather bet on brown or beige. The best cut of shoes for classic and lavish occasions will be oxfords. This is the most elegant type of shoes, which perfectly complements formal styling, but does not draw too much attention, which is not advisable in such circumstances. You can buy great quality men’s oxfords at

Shoes for private outing

There are also less formal outings than a ball or a banquet, which nevertheless require wearing a suit. For example, a date in an elegant restaurant or going out to an exclusive club. In this situation, you can go wilder with both the suit and the shoes. Checks, bold patterns and bright colors are allowed. Also shoes do not have to be modest and classic suede or perforated in an interesting way brogues, which you can buy on are a perfect choice. Just be careful not to overdo it with the multitude of patterns in your outfit. If your suit has interesting graphics on the material, choose plain shoes, and if it’s plain, patterned perforated shoes will be a fantastic accent to add variety to your outfit

Casual shoes

If the nature of your job requires you to wear a suit every day, don’t force yourself into stiff and classic shoes, which unfortunately are often torture for your feet. If you have to walk for at least eight hours every day in your suit shoes, let them be comfortable. You can afford to be a little more casual in your everyday outfits than when you go out to parties or important meetings. An excellent cut of shoes, which will emphasize everyday elegance and allow you to function comfortably at work, are moccasins. You can find their wide selection at: In your outfit for work you may decide on moccasins with additional decorations, for example with tassels or buckle. They will add a bit of spice to the whole outfit and act a bit like jewelry

Men’s suits are suitable for many different occasions throughout the year. From the most formal ones, like going to the theater, weddings and weddings to casual outfits for the office, a suit in a man’s closet is a staple and a must-have item. Now you know how to match it with shoes to avoid making a faux pas

Main Photo: Lawrence Suzara/

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