Methods to increase the length and volume of eyelashes

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Short, bright eyelashes are the bane of many women. From the screens and magazine pages ladies look at us from under the long to the eyebrows, thick fan of eyelashes. Such an effect is highly desired by everyone, the look is then more intriguing and hypnotizing, and the eyes seem larger. Unfortunately, not many women are blessed with such eyelashes. Fortunately, there are ways to extend and increase the volume of eyelashes. Get to know them!

Professional eyelash treatments

For the impatient, the best, because fast way to extend and thicken eyelashes is to visit a beautician. She can perform several treatments that will give an immediate effect for several weeks

The most popular method of thickening eyelashes is to glue artificial hairs to natural lashes to lengthen them and increase their volume. The entire procedure takes about two to three hours and the effect, with proper care, lasts up to 5 weeks. The procedure of professional eyelash extensions is performed by attaching voluminous ey elashes made of silk or natural bristle using various methods, which allow to achieve different results.

Another method is the increasingly popular eyelash lift. It gives a very subtle and natural, but still visible effect. This procedure involves a strong lift and curl of the lashes and darkening them with a dye, making them appear longer, thicker and denser. The process takes about an hour and the effect lasts up to two months, but fades very naturally. Accessories for eyelash lift can be found at Noble Lashes store

Henna for eyelashes is also an effective method of thickening and darkening eyelashes. During this procedure a special dye is applied on lashes, which dyes the hair and optically thickens them. Thanks to this the eyelashes always look as if they were painted. This is the cheapest of all treatments, and the effect lasts from two to three weeks. This is a very effective way to visually thicken your eyelashes.

Makeup as a way to increase lash volume

If you’ve won the genetic lottery and have long, thick lashes, all you need is a good mascara. If you struggle with sparse lashes, painting a line of eyeliner on your lash line can help. If you want a dramatic effect, you can add clumps of eyelashes or strip lashes to your everyday makeup. This way you can achieve instant results in a non-invasive way. Just remember that most eyelash adhesives are latex-based, so if you are allergic to latex, look for an adhesive with a different substance

Another method is to use an eyelash curler. Although this device looks like the torture tool from “Saw,” it’s actually not that scary at all. The curler curls your lashes at the root, making them longer and looking much better. To maintain the curl, apply waterproof mascara after curling your lashes. Also remember to remove makeup regularly and thoroughly to avoid eye problems, but also to let your lashes grow without hindrance. If you are attaching false eyelashes, always wash off the eyelash glue very carefully, as it can cling to the eyelid and start to build up on it.

Long, thick eyelashes add mystery and charm to the look, they are actually makeup in itself. This is the dream of many women and, thanks to innovative cosmetic procedures, this effect is achievable. Whether you want eyelashes like a doll or you appreciate naturalness, every woman will find something for her taste and her pocket.

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