Long hair without growing it out? It’s possible!

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Do you want beautiful hair and long shiny hair, but your natural hair strands are brittle and fragile? No problem! Here are some ways to extend your hair without growing it.

Growing hair is a long-term process, which requires a lot of patience and perseverance. Very often, natural hair is brittle and fragile. What do you do? Here are some tried and tested methods, which you will love if you dream of long and shiny hair.

In-house extensions

The safest way to get hair extensions without growing it out is definitely a salon treatment. It is a non-invasive and painless procedure that attaches new hair strands to your existing hairstyle. The biggest advantage of hair extensions is of course the immediate effect, as the hair may be several dozen centimeters longer. Which methods do you have to choose from?

The most popular method of hair extensions is certainly the keratin method. This method consists of bonding the hair with keratin, a natural component of the hair shaft, using a special sealer or a gun with a keratin cartridge to attach the hair. The keratin method is extremely long-lasting and effective, however, you need to remember about regular visits to the salon every 2-3 months or so in order to lower your hair extensions.

Another very popular method that gives amazing effects is microring extensions. In this method strands of hair are attached with small metal rings, which color, type and size can be adjusted depending on the type and structure of your hair. Such extensions last up to 4 months.

The ultrasonic method is the most modern method of hair extending. This method uses a device, which is based on energy waves. The effect of the hair extensions lasts up to six months.

Hair extensions for special occasions

If you do not want to have permanent hair extensions, you can also opt for disposable methods like hair extensions. Clip-in extensions are a great option for women who want to enjoy beautiful hair for special occasions. Clip-ins are nothing more than strands of natural or synthetic hair, which end in a clip. The clip is what connects the hair extension to your hair strand. With clip-in extensions you can extend your hair yourself without having to visit a hair salon. Clip-in ponytails are also a great option for big events. With clip-in extensions you can not only make your hair longer but also thicker

A Total Hairstyle Makeover

If you want to not only lengthen your hair, but also change your hairstyle dramatically, but you are not ready to cut and color your hair, then a perfect solution for you are wigs. Particularly noteworthy are the natural ones, which will look identical to your real hair – each wig, for the production of which natural hair has been used, is a guarantee of durability, perfect and natural effect and maximum self-confidence. The advantage of this solution is also a huge choice when it comes to the model of the wig – you can choose from many colors and styles.

Main photo: Yoann BoyerHire/unsplash.com

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